Saturday, February 10, 2007

A writer's block

That's true. I'm having a writer's block. Writer's block is the state where a writer loses out on ideas / creativity to the point where further writing is difficult. Perhaps due to excessive blogging, or perhaps due to my already hectic schedules, I am unable to write anything at all. So, please do not watch this space for a long long time (as if you watch it regularly). No more posts, no more nothing. Good Bye !!


Saturday, February 03, 2007

Its all about money, honey !!

I recently remember reading an article on the way salaries are paid today. It reminded me so much of my early years when dad was still working at HMT.

On salary day, dad would casually walk home, toss open his little bag and give me his salary for the month - a stack of notes. Not crisp and new, c'mon its HMT remember, pretty soiled but a stack of notes. Something around 9000/- bucks. Thats' all. But the satisfaction was unexplainable.

I was given the liberty of handling the money first. I carefully used to inspect it, count it (to make sure they have paid right), and then walked around with it for sometime. Finally, I hand it over to mom, saying "You wanted to buy some jewelery right ? Here, go gift yourself something with this". Of course, mom too would play this little game with equal excitement. She would take the money with extreme happiness, and after having a look at it, it would be returned back to dad.

The money made a full circle. It would now be used to pay for a lot of stuff, clear debts, manage the house etc etc and more etc. In fact, it was that time when the expenditure was more than the income - a deficit home budget. Here, each person knew that the money was not totally for themselves, they hardly got to keep anything, yet, we were so happy, felt so rich and important for an instant.

Today, morning, my brother's cell phone beeped with a message - "Your salary has been credited for this month". Life just did not feel the same as it was before.

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Where's time...

Have you ever felt that your entire life was a dream, and when you wake up, you feel you have lost total track of time ? I don't know about the first part, but I have trouble with the second part. I lose track of date and time. I can't distinguish Saturdays from Sundays, a classic example of what excess holidays can do to you.

So, I'm waiting for my little brother to visit me on Saturday, when actually I have called him on Sunday. I send 'Good Night' messages at unearthly hours of the night (like 01:00 am). Valentine's Day seems months away. I feel like its been a year since I have seen my nephew. I feel like a school kid although I would have to register for in a few months.

School life was much different. We had to write dates everyday in the margins of our notebooks. Life was so much organized then. We actually knew what we were doing. Now, life just seems like a rush-hour traffic, if you are slow, you will be stuck in the signal forever.

So, please accept my humble apologies if you receive messages during mid-nights even after the dogs have slept. I have calendars and clocks stuck all over the house. I am improving.
