Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I win !!

For all those people wondering whether I managed to get 100% in the attendance report for the month of August, here's some bad news. I did it !! Achieved the impossible !!

But the irony of the situation was that I was absent the next day to hear our Head of Department annouce this achievement in class. Want to know what my attendance is like for the month of September ? It is something around 40%. Naayi baala donku (The dog's tail can never be straightened) !!

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Is this really me ?

Out of sheer curiosity, I typed 'Suhas' in Google Image Search, and waited for the results. The picture you see above is what I got. I know I can mess things up at times, but I do think there are better ways to describe me. Weird !!

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Nature's fury

Date: September 7 2006. Venue: Our house. Situation: Bad.

We were on house-arrest. Literally. Previous night rains. Tree fell. Brother waiting to go to office. Me waiting to go to college. Dad waiting to go on a routine inspection of the storm water drainages.

It took more than 3 hours for those Corporation guys to come over. Nothing damaged. Just locked in. The tree was completely uprooted. Anyone know what tree that is ?

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Back to the past

I don't exactly remember when I started blogging. Sometime in the late 2005.

I was more of a web designer at first. My brother Sharath taught me some stuff. Although he gloated about how all credit goes to him, yet, I learnt a lot of Microsoft Frontpage on my own. Most of my web pages promised endless fun, action, drama, for an unlimited period of time. I never updated the pages after the first week.

Eventually, the web hosting guy got fed up of me, and kicked me out. Web pages I designed during my college years got me some exposure, but that too died as fast as it was born.

Blogging was something more suited for people like me. And Sharath - "I don't give you any credit for this". A few of my friends groan when they see my name on their inbox. "Oh No, not another blog update" they cry. At times, I feel like giving this up too. And then there are these people who tell me they 'actually' read what I write, and they seem to think its ok. That pulls me up again. So, this is just a note of gratitude to all those who help to keep this blog alive. I promise you endless fun, action and drama for an unlimited period of time. That doesn't sound so good, does it ?

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