All play and no work !!

Mom says i've got a job. But i still feel that i'm going to some one-month certificate course, at the end of which i'll be given a certificate, and a whole month's vacation. Of course, the transition from a college guy who went to classes when he was free, who arranged his own dates for internal exams, who regarded every visit to the canteen as a potential date opportunity, to someone working under the mercy of someone else, takes a lot of time.
I think i was on time to work, only first day. Ever since, things have gotten only worse. Of course, the register proudly displays a sincere 9-30am entry time everyday. The terms and guidelines of the company did not state which clock's time i'm supposed to follow. First thing i do as i check in is, throw smiles to my colleagues ... and then go on to explain why their life sucks. Then i grab onto some chai-biskoot.
One weird thing at work is, everyone's so involved in what they do. How can this be ? When we used to write records in college, we often gossiped so much ... about how Katrina looks stunning in a red outfit ... about why UN aid is making poor people lazy ... about Google services and their drawbacks - literally everything. But work was different. People just work. No small talk. Things had to change ... and to change a system, you need to change yourselves first. That, i did. Changed into this blabber-mouth, and kept everyone busy, talking. Perhaps my boss thinks i'm some cameo trying to mess up his employees' minds. But who cares ?
After all that, I work. Honestly. Until the clock comes to 12-55pm. No not lunch time yet, 1pm is supposed to be the official lunch-time. But i fly off home five minutes earlier. And i come back ten minutes late. As usual, the register entries are perfect. Out time - 1pm. In time - 2pm.
After some chatting again, i resume work. Then, i start falling asleep. There have been times when i have slumped over the computer ... and almost fell asleep. Of course, the coffee keeps me awake. And lots of biscuits to eat ... they come in plenty of varieties ... sometimes the manager blesses us with a couple of sweets too. As the clock strikes 5 (why the hell do they have clocks in offices ?) ... my frustration starts. I still have to put 90 minutes ... the clock stops after 5pm ... it gets horrible. I play Minesweeper, Solitaire and Hearts. There's also RoadRash, Commandos 2 and NFS 2 on my system, but i haven't played 'em yet. Internet's blocked, or else i'd have downloaded a couple of movies.
By the time its 6-30pm ... i would have lost weight. I look at the clock, the clock looks at me. And finally its 6-25pm. Yeah, i leave five minutes earlier. The register ... perfect ! Poor colleagues of mine still work, probably till 7pm ... to clear all their backlogs ... atleast i dont have to think about that this month. I have done much worse things. Saturday's a full day ... but i've taken special permission for half-a-day ... i waste toilet paper ... i've installed a few flash games on my comp ... i keep changing wallpapers everyday ... next month, i'm planning to work from home. If work was this fun, i wouldn't have bothered studying !!
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