Thursday, March 30, 2006

"Ugaadi marali banthu"

Here's me wishing you all yet another year of happiness and wealth; like the bevu-bella, let us experience the ups-and-downs of life happily together; i'll enjoy the ups and you enjoy the downs.

And the new year gives you yet another chance to decorate my blog with your comments. Happy Ugadi once again !!

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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

College get-away

I had earlier told you I had been on a college-trip last February. Balmuri falls it was. The falls was closed as we had been there on a Sunday (atleast that was the reason we gave just to convince our otherwise shocked friends). Hardly any water, and drowning was just impossible even if you forced yourself to. Still, we know how to invent fun out of simply 'nothing'. Check out these photos, and hopefully this time this link will work. Click the link below:

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Digital - Me !!

Have a peek into my collection of digital photos that I've clicked and blogged at this link:

Don't forget to praise me !!


Ssshhhhh !!

People have been raising their voices against noise pollution since years. But it seems to fall only on deaf ears, because these voices are only adding to the pollution. I'm not starting a campaign here, but I'll only say what I felt.

I had to study for a presentation at college; you people know how hot its getting around Bangalore, staying at home is like sitting on top of a frying pan. The blades of the fan cuts against the hot air, the cooler spits moisture in vain, and you can bake a pancake on your floor. And all this is happening at 5-30 in the evening. I go out looking for a magical breeze and moments of peace. Atleast I can't hear those blaring noises of the saas-bahu cat fights now.

As soon as I sit down, I hear such an ear-splitting sound, I almost wanted to throw a boulder on that guy who was responsible for it. A constructions' taking place in the neighbourhood and the welding works have started. Suddenly a 2-wheeler zooms off towards the little badminton playing kids and the horn is honked so loudly, the kids jump off into the side drains. As if this was not enough, a crow starts cawing wildly for no apparent reason. Ok I like birds...I'll leave the crow out of this !!

Just venture out into the city's jungle main roads, and you'll have hundreds of people honking at you for going slow. If you ride faster than them, you are a rash rider, if you ride slower, you are an over-cautious bore. Many a times, I've let these honking people over-take me, and then I start chasing them and honking incessantly. I realised I was adding to the already worse situation. Then, I started abusing people who pressed their thumbs on the beep button, now I was being classified as a victim of road-rage.

My dad can't hear any of the unimportant repetitive dialogues of any of the serials. My brother can't hear when I ask him for pocket-money. All that's natural. But suddenly, I'm feeling I'll really lose my ear drum at a very young age. Sit silently for one moment, and you'll know the variety of noises we humans know to make. This is not talent, this is a disease. No wonder, our non-developed technologically unaware villages seems like a different planet, thanks to its
no-noise-atmosphere. Please don't make noise. I may seem more like your Math teacher, but it really makes sense. Please don't use your vehicle-horn unnecessarily. And whenever someone does, give him such a glaring look, he should think twice before honking again. Please stop all this noise, because the next time you make it, you may not be able to hear it at all !!


Sunday, March 19, 2006

Those jogging shoes...where are they ?

Ok don't really mistake me now, because I'm no fitness trainer, explaining to you about why we need to exercise, and which part of your muscles get strong by doing different exercises, nor am I your dad to talk about why older people remain healthy, and why younger ones who lead such a 'mechanical life' need some form of activity in-order to dissolve their already-bloated tummy !!

I hate getting up at 6am, I hate morning walks, I hate those old people who run around the streets flapping their arms, and I hate to hear why the younger generation is getting obese. Not that I have to worry about it because I never seem to put on any weight, but mom once did say lots of young college girls and guys were out there in the Agricultural College campus stretching their muscles every day. That straightened up my ears.

College girls...jogging...

Next day I was up at 5-45am. I did see college girls...girls who had completed college 50years ago, and were now walking around trying to control their diabetes, BP, and a grade of other diseases. Walking was meant only for retired people, sick people and for those who need to have a peace of mind, thanks to their constantly nagging wife. I was not in the list. I could sleep forever !!

But a lack of exercise eventually presents itself in the form of letharginess, muscle stiffness, and it feels like you become this walking-deadbody with absolutely no energy or motivation in you. That's when I got myself a cycle...yeah like that'll make some difference.

But early mornings are refreshing, and they give you so much extra time, it'll help you get prepared for the rest of the day, and they say it gives you energy. The energy part I'm yet to experience, because even today I snooze off during seminars at college, even after a good morning brisk walk. Of course, nothing happens in a day they say, so we've got to wait and watch for that extra energy to pop out of our body from some unknown source.

I've thought of cycling every alternate morning (hey I need to sleep well, that's fun too) . Surprisingly, so much of birds are all around to greet you, sparrows too, and a whole lot of parakeets, egrets and sometimes a rare king-fisher.

It gives you a great head-start to the day, that's for sure. Early mornings ain't that bad if you only do something you like. I found walking boring, something that I would never do. Cycling was more my kind of thing. If you force yourself to do something, the next morning you'll surely be tucked under the bed all cozy and warm even when the clock strikes 9. Swimming, cycling, jogging, brisk walking, simple exercises, badminton, tennis, Yoga, whatever it is, just do it !!

When a person like 'me' asks you to get up early, it may sound funny. But it gives you all the more reason to trust me because when 'Suhas' says don't oversleep, there must be something to it.

So go get those shoes out of the attic because mom was right, lots of college girls do come out at 6am...there...that gives you a great enough reason to exercise right ??

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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Hebbal lake in danger !!

Just in my previous posting, I talked about how I gave up sleep to watch a bunch of birds flying all over Hebbal Lake, and how it was so much worth the visit. I'll now talk about why only crows would prefer to stay at Hebbal, whereas the others would probably fly off, forever !!

Hebbal lake is undergoing a major change, thanks (but no thanks) to the Oberoi group of hotels. At an investment of about 16 crores, it'll have floating restaurants, aqua scooters and other water sports. It will be given to the Oberois at a lease for about 15 years (the decision has not been taken yet). The place is bound to be unaffordable to the daily jogger, and none of these rare birds would want to be at such a commercial place, except the crows who find such places exciting.

Such 'lake adoptions' are also taking place at other lakes around Bangalore. A protest against this is happening slowly, but perhaps it needs to be supported by more action oriented people. No facelift to any place can happen at the cost of disturbing nature. Its one lesson man is gonna learn it the harder way !!


Monday, March 06, 2006

Early birds !!

Sometimes miracles happen !! If my brother, my sister-in-law, and me, wake up at 6-30am, it may sound normal to you, but to us, its the 9th wonder (just for info: I'm the 8th wonder) !!
So why did we get go to Hebbal Lake of course.

Hebbal lake has early visitors, birds of hundreds of species, even those that have migrated from Europe and other continents. A group called 'Bangalore-Birds' organizes a bird-watching program every first Sunday of the month. We were there for the birds, and we expected to see lots of crows, eagles, an occasional sparrow, and probably, if we were lucky, a few herons. We did see all of them, but that was just the tip of the iceberg !!

Note: The images used here are from If I am breaking any laws by using them without permission, please hang me !!
We almost saw 23 species of birds; never realised that these many birds were here, from such far off places, and so close to my house. Bangalore's early mornings probably is something I don't really know much about !!

Subbu, as the man calls himself, is absolutely astounding when it comes to bird identification. He was the one who set up his telescope for us, and helped us learn so much about these Avians. Bird watchers who come there have been doing so from 20 - 30 years, and are so much accomplished in Ornithology, yet they are so simple and noble, and hate to be called as experts. These are some of the birds Subbu helped us identify:

  • Purple Herons
  • Purple Moore Hens
  • Marsh Harrier
  • Spot billed ducks
  • Pheasant tailed Jassana
  • Brahmini Kite
  • Whisker Tongue
  • Swallows
  • Egrets
  • Streaked fan tailed warbler
  • Pariah Kite
  • Jungle Mynah
  • Male Koel
  • Rufus backed Shrike
  • Spotted Doves
  • Ashy Prenia
  • Red wattled lapping
  • White breasted Kingfisher
  • Black & Ashy Drongos
  • White backed Muniya
  • Green Sandpiper

Perhaps the most fulfilling experience was the sight of the white-breasted kingfisher. Its rich colours filled our eyes, and indisputably was the most beautiful bird we had seen.

Lal-bagh and Hebbal Lake are where these group of bird-watchers meet. Next month I'll be there again, sometimes in life, there are things more important than sleep !!

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Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Nilgiris

We had been on this Ooty trip last January…it was one heck of an outing, and the pics have come out really well (just for information: I was the photographer).
Click here to view the photos (story included too)

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