Hebbal lake in danger !!
Just in my previous posting, I talked about how I gave up sleep to watch a bunch of birds flying all over Hebbal Lake, and how it was so much worth the visit. I'll now talk about why only crows would prefer to stay at Hebbal, whereas the others would probably fly off, forever !!Hebbal lake is undergoing a major change, thanks (but no thanks) to the Oberoi group of hotels. At an investment of about 16 crores, it'll have floating restaurants, aqua scooters and other water sports. It will be given to the Oberois at a lease for about 15 years (the decision has not been taken yet). The place is bound to be unaffordable to the daily jogger, and none of these rare birds would want to be at such a commercial place, except the crows who find such places exciting.
Such 'lake adoptions' are also taking place at other lakes around Bangalore. A protest against this is happening slowly, but perhaps it needs to be supported by more action oriented people. No facelift to any place can happen at the cost of disturbing nature. Its one lesson man is gonna learn it the harder way !!
Labels: opinions
what to do with such money-greedy people; PIL is one option but we need to rope in many environmental orgs first. helpa is carrying out an action plan, and the forrest dept will be under some pressure now
in fact helpa was dissolved only to hand over the lake to oberoi, oberoi probably would construct a 7-star hotel around there, in time with the international airport completion, that greedy man will die a dog's death
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